All Day

Velveteen Rabbit Rescue Toy Repair

Have a beloved stuffie in need of repair? The Velveteen Rabbit (an anonymous community helper with skills in toy repair) is in residence at the library! Bring your damaged stuffed…

Winter Pen Pals: Packet Distribution

Winter Pen Pal registrants can now pick up their Pen Pal Packets at the library! Each packet includes pen pal information, paper, envelopes, and suggested writing topics. The library will…

Musical Storytime with Liz

Experience the magic of music and storytelling with Liz at our weekly Musical Storytime! Join us for an adventure where stories come to life with the power of music. Liz…

Writer’s Unite!

Writers ages 11-16 gather to hone your writing skills! writers are welcome (but never obligated) to share their work and enjoy an inspiring afternoon with fellow creators. Snacks provided. 

Dance Through the Decades

We're reprising a dance party through time in honor of the New Year (for devotees of the Gregorian calendar). DJ Diplodocus is back and since we last laid eyes on…