After School Movie: The Wild Robot

Join us after school for a showing of The Wild Robot. The movie follows Roz, a robot known as ROZZUM unit 7134, who is stranded on a remote, uninhabited island…

Pierson Playdate

Looking for a place for your little one to play on chilly days? Join us in Town Hall for fun, frolic, and friendship for both littles and their parents/caretakers. Appropriate…

Noontime Poetry Reading Society

It's not too late to join the hottest poetry society in Chittenden County. Nearly every Wednesday, we gather at noontime to cold-read entire poetry collections aloud, basking in the magic…

After School Hangout

Join us on early release day to game, snack, and chill with friends! Appropriate for tweens and teens. No advanced registration is necessary.   

Youth Advisory

Love to read? Help us build a library collection that truly reflects the interests and ambitions of our community! Assist Katie in finding exciting new publications and recent releases, identify…

Musical Story Time with Liz

Experience the magic of music and storytelling with Liz at our weekly Musical Storytime! Join us for an adventure where stories come to life with the power of music. Liz…

Writers Unite!

Writers ages 11-16 gather to hone your writing skills! Writers are welcome (but never obligated) to share their work and enjoy an inspiring afternoon with fellow creators. Snacks provided. No…

Glitter Bauble Ornaments

Join us as we create glittering bauble ornaments that will add a touch of sparkle to dark winter days. To register, please call the library at 802-985-5124.