All Day

Our Mighty Poet-Tree 

Pierson Library 5376 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne

For National Poetry Month visit our Poet-Tree, nestled on the east wall of the main level behind YA, and add a poem of your own! This year's poet-tree was devised…

Beginning Beekeeping Part 1 

Pierson Library 5376 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne

The first in our two-part lecture series with beekeeper Gerald Posner. In this talk learn about the historic link between humans and honeybees and discover what you can do to…

Teen and Tween Open Mic 

Pierson Library 5376 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne

Celebrate Poetry Month with an exclusive offer for teen and tween performers, poets, songwriters, thespians, vaudevillians, instrument-players, creative writers, artists, and more! Take the stage and share! Anyone can attend…