UVM Extension Master Gardener Partnership
In the Spring of 2024 UVM Extension approved the Pierson Library and Town Hall and Gardens as an ongoing Extension Master Gardener project. The extension project will bring in volunteer Master Gardeners to help manage the Library plantings while offering public educational and outreach opportunities. The gardens and landscape at the Pierson, designed by Shelburne’s Charlotte Albers, are intended as a model for sustainable planting strategies, including the use of native plants and pollinator favorites. A collaboration with the library involves extension volunteers sharing science based best practices for various landscape and gardening applications, from growing veggies to introducing native plants back into home landscapes. At the Pierson this collaboration will include the hosting of talks, garden tours, plant exchange days, further development and care of the gardens, and educational/informational signage.
Shelburne’s Steve Budington serves as the project leader for the effort. Steve is a Certified Extension Master Gardener, artist, and UVM Painting Professor. He designs gardens and specializes in native plantings. He has worked for a number of years with Charlotte Albers, who oversaw the master design plan for the gardens. Charlotte and Steve work together to develop and manage the gardens, now with the assistance of EMG’s and local volunteers too.