4 events found.
All Day
Velveteen Rabbit Rescue
Have a beloved stuffie in need of repair? The Velveteen Rabbit is in residence at the library! Bring your damaged stuffed animal into the library, and the Velveteen Rabbit will…
Write Together for National Novel Writing Month
November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo for short). Since 1999, non-profit NaNoWriMo has been encouraging fledgling and seasoned writers with the challenge of producing a 50,000-word manuscript in the…
Monday Morning Book Club: I Cheerfully Refuse
Join us to discuss Leif Enger's I Cheerfully Refuse, a tale of a bereaved musician sailing on a sentient Lake Superior in search of his late wife, navigating a lawless…
Fiber Arts Crafting Circle
Have you got a fiber arts project you're working on and would relish the company of other crafters? Join this informal group that meets for two hours every Monday to…