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Shelburne Writes! Poetry Contest

March 1 - March 31

Calling all poetry lovers! Get ready to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard for the “Shelburne Writes!” poetry contest, open to writers of all ages. We’re offering prizes and recognition to top poets in four categories: elementary school (K-4), middle school (5-8), high school (9-12), and adult (two winners in this category). To enter, simply submit your best poem inspired by Shelburne, VT (interpretation is up to you) to shelburnewrites@gmail.com or drop it off at the library’s main desk. Please include your full name, age, and best contact info with your submission. This contest is exclusively for Shelburne residents. Entries will be judged anonymously by a committee that includes the Shelburne Junior and Adult Poet Laureates. Winners will have their poems published in the Shelburne newspaper and receive a prize from one of our fantastic local businesses.


March 1
March 31
Event Category: