Hear Mary Kehoe, Shelburne Selectboard, reading Trees by Joyce Kilmer.
Hear Rick Bessette, Shelburne Poet Laureate, reading his original poem Shelburne Falls Sycamore: a Witness Tree.
David Johnson, "Near Shelburne, Vermont" 1865, Oil on canvas.
The Shelburne Tree Committee has assembled some wonderful resources in celebration of Arbor Day! Please enjoy and consider planting a tree or donating a tree in someone's honor (you can find information on memorial trees on the committee's site). Here are some additional recommended resources:
Vermont Urban and Community Forestry, https://vtcommunityforestry.org/ . Their Resources page in particular is a wealth of information.
UVM EXT Master Gardener program, https://www.uvm.edu/extension/mastergardener
Soul Tree Stewards program, https://fpr.vermont.gov/soul-tree-stewards
Greenworks VT, a Landscape industry Association, https://greenworksvermont.org/
Of Course Arbor Day Association, https://www.arborday.org/
International Assc. of Arborists, ISA, Might be good, https://www.isa-arbor.com/
Tree Care Industry Assc., TCIA, https://www.tcia.org/TCIA/Home/TCIA/Default.aspx?hkey=18f94022-9bd6-4327-bec9-0a790dae328c
Branch Out Burlington, BOB, https://branchoutburlington.org/
And a special treat for kids: listen to Ms. Katie read Wangari's Trees of Peace by Jeanette Winter: